ARIN on the Road

Phoenix, Arizona

We're working to keep you safe at ARIN on the Road.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, ARIN believes the health and well-being of our community members and staff is a top priority. We continue to follow official guidance from national and local governments in regard to COVID-19 response measures.

ARIN asks that all attendees adhere to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommended safety measures for preventing COVID-19 which include:

  • Attending ARIN on the Road Only if Appropriate: Please do not come to the ARIN on the Road in-person meeting if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19. 

ARIN encourages – but does not require – attendees to be fully vaccinated in accordance with CDC COVID-19 guidelines. (ARIN staff and volunteers traveling at ARIN’s expense have more stringent requirements in this regard and should send any questions to

  • Engage in Social Distancing: Please maintain social distancing with other attendees when possible and avoid greeting others with physical contact (e.g., handshakes).
  • Wear a Mask when Indoors: All attendees are encouraged to wear well-fitting masks that fit over their nose and mouth when practical. (It is recognized that wearing a mask may not be practical in every situation such as presenting or eating).  ARIN will have masks available at the ARIN meeting registration desk for any attendee who needs one.
  • Healthy Meeting Environment:  ARIN and the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown are hard at work to provide a healthy meeting environment.