Caribbean Peering & Interconnection Forum (CarPIF 7)
7 July 2021 | 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT (UTC-04:00)
Thank you for your interest in participating in the 7th Caribbean Peering and Interconnection Forum. The theme of this year’s virtual event is "Strengthening and Securing Caribbean Connectivity" and we will be focusing on two issues critical to interconnection in the Caribbean – network security and network resilience.
Our event this year will feature keynote speakers including Bijal Sanghani, Director on Peering DB Board of EURO-IX and Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola, Commissioner for the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace, as well as moderators from the hosting organizations. Sessions will include interactive discussions and case studies will focus on supporting the deployment of local digital services across the Caribbean triggered by the pandemic. Attendees will receive a holistic view of the Caribbean's unique challenges and opportunities for peering and interconnection in the region.
The goal is to allow the CarPIF community to:
- Share knowledge and experiences
- Establish new peering relationships
- Extend existing arrangements beneficial to the Caribbean peering landscape