How to Participate Virtually at ARIN 54

All virtual participation will occur using functionality within the Zoom webinar platform. Each morning during ARIN 54, you will receive an email containing the link to join the day's webinar. You may also join the online event by logging into the ARIN 54 registration site and selecting Virtual Event Hub under the Virtual Participants dropdown menu. 

Please note: You must register for ARIN 54 as a virtual attendee and attend the virtual sessions in order to submit comments and questions and vote in straw polls during the meeting.



This functionality is to be used for informal conversation only during the virtual meeting. All questions or comments for the presenters must be submitted using the Q&A feature during open microphone and discussion periods. Chat will be monitored to ensure that all participants adhere to the ARIN Participants Expected Standards of Behavior.


To ask a question or submit a comment during ARIN 54, you must use the Q&A feature on Zoom. If you need more time to type your question, please use the Raise Hand feature to let us know you are still typing. A moderator will read your question to the presenter.