Full NameCompanyJob Title
Michael AbejuelaARINGeneral Counsel
Erin AlligoodARINCHRO
Einar BohlinARINVP Government Affairs
Nancy CarterARINBoard of Trustees
John CurranARINPresident & CEO
Leslie DaigleGlobal Cyber AllianceChief Technical Officer and Director of the Internet Integrity Program
Nate DavisARINSenior Government Affairs Analyst
Eddie DiegoARINPolicy Analyst
Amanda GauldinARINProject Manager
Brad GormanARINDirector, Customer Technical Services
Kathleen HunterComcast LLC and ARIN ACComcast LIR and AC Chair
Christian JohnsonARINCISO
Hollis KaraARINDirector of Communications
Mark KostersARINCTO
Lisa LiedelARINDirector, Registration Services
Leslie NobileARINSenior Director, Trust and Public Safety
Nick NugentUniversity of TennesseeAssistant Professor of Law
Ashley PerksARINCommunications Manager
Reese RadcliffeARINRegistry Integrity and Oversite Manager